2610, 2016

Talk – How to Keep Your Employees, Part 1

By |October 26th, 2016|Categories: HR|Comments Off on Talk – How to Keep Your Employees, Part 1

How do we keep our best employees? I'll tell you 11 good characteristics with good companies, and then some bad in the next post!

1710, 2016

IT environment, part 3: Backup of services

By |October 17th, 2016|Categories: IT|0 Comments

In my previous blog posts (found here and here) I gave a brief introduction to containers and as well as giving tips on how to make the containers behave like physical computers on your LAN. I also briefly mentioned that we host our own git server. Why would we do that, when there are plenty of cloud services that offer us hassle-free access to git? In order to understand why we made this decision, one need to rewind the time a few months. After deciding to found our own studio, one of the first questions you need to answer is: do we spend time [...]

1010, 2016

Jenkins in a RKT container

By |October 10th, 2016|Categories: IT, rkt|Comments Off on Jenkins in a RKT container

I've been writing my own Docker file to deploy a Jenkins container. Jenkins is a build system and we're using rkt (Rocket) to run the container. The official Dockerfile for Jenkins and most other examples where rather big, so I've been slimming ours down a bit. (If you are looking for something a bit more comprehensive, take a look at this really great tutorial over at Riot Games.) I'll probably add more settings as we figure out what could be better, but this is the state of it right now. Let me show you and explain bit by bit. [crayon-67d1a78c2763d984163029/] This part above states [...]

310, 2016

IT environment, part 2: Practical server setup

By |October 3rd, 2016|Categories: IT, rkt|Comments Off on IT environment, part 2: Practical server setup

In my first blog post I gave a very brief introduction to containerization and why we chose to spend some time on our initial IT setup. In this post, I will talk about how we've deployed our first container host server. If you're used to deploying myriads of servers on your own and can configure network settings in your sleep, this post might be a bit basic to you. However, if you're like me, with some technical know-how but rather inexperienced with larger network setups - then hopefully this post can help you if you one day decide to deploy your own container host. First, a brief [...]

2809, 2016

IT environment, part 1: Introduction

By |September 28th, 2016|Categories: IT|Comments Off on IT environment, part 1: Introduction

When going from an established company to a startup like ours, a lot of things change. For the most part for the better (more freedom! flexible working hours! no meetings!), but some changes are not as good. One bad thing is that you become fully responsible for your own IT environment. That's not to say that fiddling with your IT setup is boring, rather the opposite. But it also takes quite a bit of time if one wants to do it properly and it's probably not your core business idea. One of the things I really wanted to avoid was the [...]

2709, 2016

Web Setup

By |September 27th, 2016|Categories: Web|Comments Off on Web Setup

Well, I wrote briefly about setting up a Wordpress site to compare with Joomla. Spoiler alert, this is a Wordpress site. Guess who won. I'm usually not afraid on a bit of technical mess, so I thought it might be fun to just mess around with Joomla and see what I could do. Then I installed a "free" theme that installed tons of plugins and other things that were kind of hard to get rid of. I felt like I had to wipe everything and start over. Which I did, only this time in Wordpress. Wordpress was just so much [...]

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