How to Keep your Employees Part Two
What should a company avoid, in order to keep their good employees? Plus some signs to look for when trying to decide if a company will be good to work for.
What should a company avoid, in order to keep their good employees? Plus some signs to look for when trying to decide if a company will be good to work for.
How do we keep our best employees? I'll tell you 11 good characteristics with good companies, and then some bad in the next post!
I've been writing my own Docker file to deploy a Jenkins container. Jenkins is a build system and we're using rkt (Rocket) to run the container. The official Dockerfile for Jenkins and most other examples where rather big, so I've been slimming ours down a bit. (If you are looking for something a bit more comprehensive, take a look at this really great tutorial over at Riot Games.) I'll probably add more settings as we figure out what could be better, but this is the state of it right now. Let me show you and explain bit by bit. [crayon-67d169628feef962643404/] This part above states [...]
Well, I wrote briefly about setting up a Wordpress site to compare with Joomla. Spoiler alert, this is a Wordpress site. Guess who won. I'm usually not afraid on a bit of technical mess, so I thought it might be fun to just mess around with Joomla and see what I could do. Then I installed a "free" theme that installed tons of plugins and other things that were kind of hard to get rid of. I felt like I had to wipe everything and start over. Which I did, only this time in Wordpress. Wordpress was just so much [...]
We are just starting out. We have an idea for a game, (or more) we know how we want to work together and we know how we want to run our business. Now, apparently my other half also had A LOT of ideas regarding tech. This should come as no surprise to me since he is a rather geeky engine coder, but still, I had no idea he was so into stuff like Jumpcloud, Docker or Phabricator. I am delighted though, because the IT environment we are setting up now feels very robust and fail-safe. Not sure what we'll end [...]