May 2023 – Warpzone is hiring!
We are looking to hire one Gameplay Programmer and one Producer. Take a look in out Jobs page for details!
October 2020 – Hammerting Early Access Release!
Here we go, the EA release on Steam and Epic!
Fingers and toes crossed for a good one!
June 2019 – Teamed up with Team 17!
Team 17 is now our publisher. Someone to hold hands with during the long, arduous, exciting journey that it is to release a game.
Hammerting on their site here:
April 23 2018 – Joined the Sting incubator!
We have joined forces with the Sting incubator.
A little bit on what that means for Warpzone here:
This is the program we have been accepted to:
Us on their site:
News on the Sting site:
Article (in Swedish):
May 02 2017 – New Co-Founder!
Today we are welcoming our new co-founder Anders Elfgren! Anders will be working full-time with us, focusing on code as well as game design. We aren’t strangers though, as we’ve worked together at Avalanche Studios and shared offices at Paradox Interactive. It’s great to get together again!
After Avalanche and Just Cause 2, Anders has been worked with for example Realtime Worlds (APB: All Points Bulletin), Rockstar North (GTA5), Arrowhead (The Showdown Effect and Unannounced Title), Paradox North (Magicka: Wizard Wars), Fatshark (Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide). The latter three as a consultant while working for Pixeldiet. This brings the total experience within Warpzone Studios up to 30+ years!
Anders is also an indie games maker since always. He has entered (and won some) contests and made dozens of small games throughout the years.
As for personal interests, Anders likes Bearnaise sauce and cats. In that order.
Welcome, Anders!

Photo by Martin Gustavsson –
January 09 2017 – Article on Breakit (Swedish).
“Om tre till fem år hoppas vi att vi är mellan 20 och 40 personer i bolaget och att vi har släppt minst två spel.”
“In three to five years we hope to be between 20 and 40 people in the company, and to have released at least two games.”